Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Tell the World that I'm Coming Home

Hey all you inter-webbers!

I hope your day has been as awesome as I'm sure you are.

On to the update!

So not too much has happened in the last month an a half. I mean, my grandpa hasn't been doing well. He ended up at the hospital again last week. My family is strung thin, and I don't know how much more stress they can all take. It's bringing us together while simultaneously tearing us apart. 

So that's not great. But I'm dealing. I guess I can tell you guys about graduation. It was pretty great. 

My church held a Graduation Mass a week before I graduated
I don't really know how I feel about it all. I spent 13 years of my life in public school, and it all ended on the 21st of May. And I don't mean to be bitter, but I was number 11 in my class. I was beat out of the top ten by a girl who has been giving me issues all year, so I was really upset. But I still got to graduate in the front, so that was good. I was kinda bored, considering I got to walk across the stage really early, but it was still cool to see all my classmates. I didn't know a lot of them, but that's what happens when you have a large class. 

The graduation party was impressive, if I do say so myself. It almost didn't happen, since my grandpa was in the hospital and coded a few weeks earlier. He was stable, but needed constant observation so we all knew what was happening. It was worth it and it was amazing. I can't thank my family enough for still throwing a party for Ari and me. 

Our cake was awesome
There was a video with embarrassing photos of us, but it was fun being with my family. There was a bittersweet tinge to the ceremony, though. I still haven't come out to my extended family, and I'm not sure how most of them will react. Part of me wonders how  many wouldn't have shown up if they knew I'm a lesbian. 

Enough sad thoughts!

On to YWiC!

So I'm once again a camp assistant for YWiC, and I'm so happy. This year is weird because the camps overlap and are really only half a day. The alum students come after lunch, and it's interesting. We're also in a different room, which I kinda prefer. I like the Ice Cave. It reminds me of the 2012 YWiC camp. I feel so happy here, and I can't wait to get further along. These girls are amazing and I feel lucky to get to know them. 

I don't really have much of an update by way of relationships, but I guess that's good. I don't want to be one of those people who needs to be in a relationship. I am happy with who I am, and I don't need to rely on someone else to bring me happiness. I'm trying to figure out who I am, so that when someone new does come along, I won't be unsure. 

I guess that's all I have to say today. I'm super excited to work with YWiC this summer, and I do believe it will be one of the best years. 

So long for now!

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