So today started with us going outside to do the 2 truths and a lie activity. Ari and I were in the same group with Linky and Elena. Belle was in the other group. My lie was an almost truth, if I had been Ari. I said that I have 4 older siblings. I only have three, but Ari has 4. And yes, 11 minutes counts. For those of you who don't know, I'm older than Ari by 11 minutes, and those minutes make a difference.
When we got back inside, we started on LiveCode. I got through all of the instructions, but my game didn't work on the bird level. I asked Sofi, but she couldn't find anything wrong with my code. After the break, during which Belle got 2 awesome chocolate covered granola bars since she didn't eat breakfast, we started on Ruby. I loved it. It was so awesome. Oh, and I did my GPA, and I still have a 4.0!! It's just barely, but it still counts!!
After Ruby, we ate lunch. Lunch was sandwiches and chips. We started watching The Avengers, which wasn't my cup of tea. Lilia has been wanting me to see it since forever, but I just don't like Marvel. I'm a DC girl all the way. You can't deny how awesome Batman is.
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This animated series was the best |
Ok. So after we finished with that, we went into the computer lab where the YWiC camp of 2012 was. It brought back so many memories. I miss Jordan and Vero so much. I miss Mica too, but I saw her way more than I saw the other two in the past two years. Anywho. So we worked on Linux and it was fun. I loved it. I was freezing where I sat, though. My spot had its own little microclimate. I was freezing, but Belle was somewhat warm. I had to move over a bit to prevent myself from freezing to death. After that, we went back into the room and signed up for parts we will sing for the Let it Go music video. I will be doing a part with Linky and Belle.
So. Blog Prompt.If I could go to anywhere during any time period, I would go back to the times of the Spartans. During Spartan times, young girls were raise much like boys, in that they received physical fitness training. Women did not have dowries, since they believed brides should be chosen for their character. The mothers of Spartan times were able to become the heads of the household when their husbands were off to war. They could even divorce their husbands without fear of losing their wealth. Women received an education, though most likely not as extensive as their male counterparts. I would much rather go to this time period than any other because women were actually almost equal to men. This is an amazing fact considering the time period. I don't think I would want to go to the future because it kinda scares me. I know women would probably be treated more equal to men in the future, but I just think going to see history and living through it would be cool. Granted, it would not be as great as now, but still. Hmmm. I just had another thought. I may want to got to Aztec times. I am part Aztec, and it would be so cool to see how my ancestors lived. The culture interests me, but the human sacrifice isn't appealing. And women were not as equal to men as in Spartan times. I guess that's it. So long for now!!
P.S. I don't know everything about Spartan culture, so don't ruin my wanting to go to that time period by telling me the horrors of it, please. That is all.
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