Hello, readers, however few you are. Today was a kinda weird day. I woke up with a headache, which is never a good thing, and it didn't go away at all. It was worse after I ate a bunch of lollipops.
The first activity was the blanket challenge. It was amusing to see the girls try to figure it out. None of them thought of the loop holes that Galen found. One was that they could just move the blanket to the concrete, since the only rules are that feet have to be touching the blanket and no one can touch the grass. The other loop hole was that we could all link hands with one person on the blanket, and then the ones not on the blanket jump at the same time.
After that, the girls worked on their programs for scratch. And then pencil code. It was awesome. I worked on my house. It looks so cool. I don't have a picture of it, but I love it.
We didn't really have to prep much for lunch, since it was deli sandwiches. During lunch, Galen sang to the girls parts of the songs from our youth. It was sad how many girls didn't know the songs at all. Greenday is a classic. I love their songs.
After lunch, I was so brain dead that I wasn't really any help to anyone. I already posted my blog prompt on the YWiC blog, so I won't do that here. Well. I don't really have much to add. Other than I hope the girls choose the Hunger Games for the next evening activity. Ok. So long for now!
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