Friday, March 25, 2016

Nearing the Finish Line

Hey there, fair people of the internet! Well, I don't really know how fair you are, but I'm going to assume you are just a little bit because you're reading this. Anywho.

So it's been a while since I wrote anything for this blog. I suck at posting, but my writing has actually become more frequent-- just not for this.

Since the last post, a lot of things have happen. So many that I'm not sure if I can even remember it all. Let's see.....what do I deem the most important? I guess that would have to be my current relationship status. So the day before my last post, a girl in one of my classes (who happened to be one of my best friend's girlfriend) started texting me. I will admit, I had a crush on her that started during the end of junior year in chemistry. Which, sidenote: I've had a class with her every year, and the class we share this year is in the same room as the class we shared freshman year, which I think is ironic and amazing.

Anyways, we started texting and then she broke up with my friend. I didn't know how to feel. On one hand, I was sad for my friend, but on the other, it meant that she was single! I knew I was supposed to wait a while before even mentioning the possibility of me dating her, but I was impatient. So I did the stupid thing and talked to my friend about my crush on her ex-girlfriend. (Yes, I have quite a few lesbian friends.) She told me she didn't care and that I should "go for it." So I started flirting with her. (To keep this from getting too confusing, I'll use her name from here on out. It's Jazmyne, by the way.)

Jazmyne and I flirted for about a week and a half before she told me that we needed to cool things down. It had been too soon after her breakup, and she wanted us to be friends and said she needed to work through some things. So we tried that. It didn't work for more than 2 weeks. That's when my friend found out and cut me out of her life. She had already distanced herself so much that I didn't notice. So then I got Jazmyne to kiss me before winter break and things heated up again. We went on a kinda-date after the new year at the bowling alley and it solidified things for us. January and February were spent with us getting to know each other more. But I can't date. My mom has a rule against me dating because I had a secret relationship a couple years back. Remember that? It's semi-documented on this blog. You can go read those posts if you want.

At the end of February, I finally asked Jazmyne what we were. We had a long talk and she decided that we needed to stop all the couple-ish things we were doing and just be friends, so that my mom wouldn't get mad and hate Jazmyne before she even met her. Plus, Jazmyne told me that she is willing to wait for me. I know, I know, my life is like a soap opera. But I could see where she was coming from. She doesn't want me to hide her from my family, even though that's what I did for the entire two months prior. Which leads us to now.

I asked Jazmyne to Prom

And she said yes! I have been planning this for over a month, and I almost didn't after she told me we needed to be friends. But someone told me that we don't have to be dating to go to Prom together. So I worked on this for a week and gave it to her. She absolutely loves Stitch. And the Prom-posal.

So that's it for my personal life. Kinda. I also reconciled with my ex-girlfriend. I know what you're thinking! No, I'm not looking to get back with her. If that wasn't obvious with my almost-girlfriend, Jazmyne. No, I just wanted to let her know everything that I didn't tell her when I cut her out of my life. We had a long talk about what happened between us and why it didn't work out. It was very civil. And it made me realize that I could be with her instead of Jazmyne right now. That kinda terrifies me because then I wouldn't have this amazing support and love I've found in Jazmyne. I wouldn't feel as safe or comfortable. It is very possible that I could be taking Lesli to Prom instead. But I found a new love, a stronger love, and I'm not willing to do anything to risk what I have with her.

So that's my drama since November. What else? Well, I graduate in 2 months. It's pretty scary. I've been accepted to a few universities, but I'm gonna stay at the local university. Oh! And Jazmyne's going to Phoenix for culinary school. So I'm gonna be in a long-distance relationship with her as of July. I hope things go smoothly.

I don't want to bore you with anymore drama, so I guess I'll finish here. So long for now!

p.s. AP exams are going to be the death of me.