Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stress, Stress, and More Stress

Hello, Interwebers! Today sucks.

I know it's been a while, so I'll give you the CliffNotes version of my life since the summer camps.

Here we go!

Ok, so after the YWiC camps, we had a GK-12 camp for boys and girls that taught us more engineering than programming. I liked it, but mainly because Belle and Sasha were there. Anywho, it was fun and I'll probably add some pics when I'm not at school.

So that camp went on for two weeks. The last day of the camp was July 17. On the 18th, I left for Mountain Air. I had applied to the RYLA camp and was accepted. This meant a week away from home, and even longer from Arianna. She had her own camp she was going to after mine and we didn't end up seeing each other for almost two weeks. It was the longest we have ever been apart. I count it as practice in case we decide to got o different college.

Speaking of colleges, it has been non-stop applying for scholarships and colleges and getting all my test scores in and just everything. This is probably what is stressing me the most. Especially QuestBridge. For those of you who don't know, QuestBridge is a national program that matches students with partner colleges and those students get full rides for four years. It's very competitive and Ari and I managed to become finalists. I don't know when I will find out if I was accepted by any of my college choices, but all the requirements have pulled and pushed me more than I would like. Because we don't know if we'll even get it, Ari and I have also been applying to a ton of other scholarships.

 It's been a stressful few months. Add to that the pressure of being Honor Orchestra for All-State this year, and I've been through hell. I just want Thanksgiving to be here already. Then I could just eat and sleep and no one would judge me for it.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I don't want to bother with pictures, but maybe next time I will. So long for now!