Thursday, June 25, 2015

Inner Depth

Hello. I figured I would write out what I want to say for the blog prompt that the campers did today. Basically, I am going to describe what I would look like if a witch's curse turned me into a living portrait or a living piece of artwork.
The image that immediately comes to mind is one of darkness surrounding a fading light. I would be an abstract painting, as nothing about me fills the lines needed to create a solid image. I am complex, yet I look simple. In the center there is a white shimmer of light that seems to shift. A darkness smothers it, almost trapping the light inside. But it doesn't seem like a trap. It's more of a wall that constantly moves and shifts to adapt to whatever is threatening the light. Inside the light, there are little specks of color that seem insignificant yet brighten up the entire piece. The tiny dots of color brighten the darkness and make it seem less terrible.

I'll finish this later, but I know I won't continue unless I publish this. So long for now!

See? I told you I wouldn't finish it. So I guess I'll finish it now. I don't really have any more descriptions for what I would look like as a work of art, but I do want to talk about the awesome thing that just happened this morning.

You can read the whole story here, but basically I can get married in any state and they would have to recognize it. I'm so happy!!! This is a huge step for society and I'm glad it occurred before I could fight for it, because God knows I would raise hell for opponents. Not violently, but with my intelligence and debate skills. I can't wait for my wedding day. Of course, my ultimate dream is to be married to my future wife through the Catholic church, but I know that won't happen. Still. A girl can dream. So long for now! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Hello, Internet People. So I guess I should fill you in on the details of my life that you missed out on. SO here it is. Since my post from September, things have changed drastically. I am no longer associated with Lesli in any way, for one. I tried to be her friend, but she started dating Elisabeth and still expected me to be her confidant. She went to me for all her problems, even those with Elisabeth, and I had to tell her to back off. I completely cut off contact with her in September when she started flirting with me overtly with Elisabeth in the room. So I stopped talking to her. I wasn't mean enough to not text her assignments when she missed school, but conversation never extended beyond that. We completely stopped interacting in all forms in February when she asked me what was wrong on a particularly bad day for me. I reacted strongly and she couldn't understand why. That was when she finally got the hint that I didn't want to be in her life anymore.
Even though she ended it, it still seemed like she wanted to get back together. Especially from the way she looked at Kat. That was another big change this school year. Kat, or Katrina, became very close to me and I became her best friend. Because of this new-found closeness, I became extremely affectionate with her. This translated into many people, including my brother, assuming we were a couple. So many people thought we were dating, and I'm pretty sure they still do. Sigh. Drama. I hate it.
So.....The biggest change. In March of this year, my mom's cousin passed away. It was the first day of my Rotary month, so there are some bad memories there. I feel extremely guilty about the whole thing. Louie was my favorite of my mom's cousins. He was gay and happy and so funny. Then he got stomach cancer. His health started declining in December, and it just went down hill until he passed on March 5th. It was hard on all of us. My mom's birthday was the following Friday, so that made it all worse. I mentioned earlier that I felt guilty, and now I'll tell you why. I hadn't seen him since we took the trip to LA last summer. I had every opportunity to go see him, especially near the end. Why didn't I go see him? My mom told me about how skinny he was, and how tired he was getting. I didn't want to tarnish my memory of him with who he was becoming near the end. I'm glad I didn't go, as bad as that sounds. The body in that box wasn't my beloved cousin who was more like an uncle to me. It was the body of someone taken too soon. It was the body of someone who wasted away. It wasn't the body of someone who laughed every day. It wasn't the body of someone who joked with my mom. I didn't recognize him. And it made me terribly sad.
Ok. Enough of this. I can't keep thinking about this, especially at the YWiC camp. I guess this is it for the update. So long for now!

Monday, June 8, 2015

We Begin Again!

Hey. So, it's been a while since I last posted anything. Sorry for that. I've been reading my blog and I have to say I was pretty outspoken about my homosexuality. I apologize for that as well. I feel like I've transformed for the better in a span of 6 months. I'd like to think I've grown up, but I'll let you be the judge of that.
So. What to talk about? Well, I'm currently working as a camp assistant for the Young Women in Computing camp at NMSU. It's really fun. This is the second week of the middle school camp. It's been fun. I really like helping with the camp. I may or may not have a crush on one of the other staff members. I won't say who, even though I doubt they will ever find out.
I don't really know what to add to this. It's been nearly 9 months since I last blogged. What do I even talk about? I need to get back into the groove of things. Well. I guess this is it. So long for now!